A simple kiss is enough to leave him speechless and it never fails to make your heart skip a beat at how precious he is. Startled with a tinge of red dusting his pale cheeks. No matter how many times you’ve done this Vincent always reacts the same. You peck him on the cheek to startle him. You grab his hand before he could reach for his phone and force him to sit beside you on the couch. “Hang on, I’ll forward them to you now -” “Do you have Alexis’ number, Lovely? Sam’s?” Vincent asks - again - in concern as he pad towards you and the duffel bag. With the way he prepared for his departure, you couldn’t help but want to remind Vincent that he’ll only be leaving for three days not three months. And sure enough, it only takes a few minutes until your boyfriend is satisfied with the apartment - from the wards that he erected to the well-stocked kitchen and rows of laundry detergents. Letting Vincent fuss is your way of helping him calm down. With a fond shake of your head, you observe the Vampire made one last round. “Alright, I’ve stocked up the pantry to last at least for a few weeks, b-but I’ll be back by Sunday so don’t worry.” The blur that was Vincent said as he ran from their shared bedroom to the kitchen. You fold them nicely before placing them in with the rest. You pick up the clothes that didn’t make it into the bag.
#Redacted asmr full#
His duffel bag is lying beside you on the couch, gradually full of clothes, toiletries and other travelling necessities as he chucks them in Mach speed. Your head spins as your boyfriend flits from one room to another, never pausing for even a second. You smile as your eyes do their best to track Vincent’s every move. I shared this oneshot in the Discord server and I thought to share it here too before uploading it on AO3 later this weekend.

Summary: When the boyfriends are away, their partners try their best to be functioning members of society.