HTML5 media has built-in support for captions and subtitles using the new track element, and proposals for additional features-such as direct byte access for video manipulation-are already being considered. If you can create buttons in HTML and control them with JavaScript, you already know all you need to develop HTML5 media. The advantage of using HTML5 for media is that you can leverage your HTML, CSS and JavaScript skills rather than learning Flash or Silverlight. In this article, I’ll explore the benefits of using HTML5 for media playback, show some sample code, address some major issues that developers face and present solutions to those problems. Even retrofitting existing Flash and Silverlight video content for HTML5 playback has become fairly simple. Browsers and JavaScript libraries have matured to the point where you can-and should-use HTML5 media as the default for any projects that will display audio and video content.
The tags were great for companies writing experimental code or doing cross-browser media development, but the HTML5 media API was too unreliable for general use. When the HTML5 audio and video tags were first introduced, codec and browser incompatibilities made them difficult to use and unrealistic to deploy on large-scale Web sites. Volume 27 Number 02 Building HTML5 Applications - Practical Cross-Browser HTML5 Audio and Video